Since 1995



Since our founding in 1995, the GHMA has grown to include a wide range of Mustang enthusiasts, singles and families from all across Canada and the US.

GHMA Mustang club membership package

Membership costs only $50 per year.

For more details, click the Membership link or Button below to Renew your existing Membership or to become a new GHMA Member.

Members Receive:

  • A club decal for their car
  • Copies of the minutes of each meeting
  • Reduced rates on club organized social events
  • Free advertising on our website for cars or parts
  • Member Networking to promote your hobby / business
  • Opportunities to meet people with similar interests
  • A chance to join in on all sorts of great stuff !


Click for membership application

Please complete application and send payment as indicated in the application

 Register/Renew Online